Thursday, November 02, 2006

Love to Read Books, But Just Can’t Find the Time?

The librarians at Tom Green County Library have just discovered the secret for finding the time to read a good book again…and they’re just itching to tell you about it.

The Tom Green County Library has gone high-tech and they’re now offering the latest, hottest idea for people who want desperately to read, but just can’t find the time. Tom Green County Library delivers portions of books to you in your email. Each day, Monday through Friday, the library emails subscribers a portion of a book that takes about 5-minutes to read. By the end of the week, subscribers have read two to three chapters from the book and if they like it, they check it out of the library. New books are featured every week.

There are 11 book clubs to choose from. Something for every age and taste: Fiction, NonFiction, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Good News, Horror, Business, Teen, and Audio books (that you can listen to in your email) and a special sneak preview Pre-Pub Club that lets you start reading books that aren’t even published yet.

You don’t even need a library card to sign up and start reading. Library Director Larry Justiss says, "This service makes it easy for people to get back into the habit of reading. It’s fun, it only takes 5-minutes-a-day and the books are delivered to you right in your email. At your home, work or even in your PDA."